Tri Sonic YouTopia

Introducing Tri Sonic YouTopia (TSY)

Tri Sonic YouTopia Inc is the holding company for our innovative products, patents, new inventions, and services. Boasting over 150 years of combined expertise in the realms of film, television, and music, TSY has curated a team of professionals poised to make a substantial impact in the Global Entertainment Technology Sector. Our extensive network includes strong connections with top Hollywood Movie and TV executives, actors, as well as leaders in the music business, ranging from executives to artists, composers, and producers.

One of our flagship offerings, the Music Box, is easily configured as an edit and mix suite for film and TV post-production. Leveraging the expertise of TSY Principals who have a track record of building such rooms for entertainment heavyweights like Pixelogic, Warner Bros, and ABC Television, we ensure top-notch quality and functionality.

TSY will provide a diverse menu of Music Boxes with varying tech capabilities, catering to different price points to accommodate all segments of the market. Our sales strategy involves direct retail sales to consumers and direct sales to the commercial music and TV industry, targeting recording studios, post-production suites, songwriter, and music publishing suites. These offerings will feature the cutting-edge JSX Immersive Sound Audio Desk with its proprietary noise cancellation system.